Image result for self cure phenomenon
  1. Is an immunological phenomenon in haemonchosis in endemic areas in which as a result of this phenomenon adult worms are expelled out.                                                  
  2. This phenomenon is induced by newly entering infective larvae (L3) in sensitised sheep.                                         
  3. This reaction is initiated when newly entered L3 moult to become L4.                                          
  4. The self cure phenomenon commonly occurs in sheep which have several previous exposure to this parasite.                                                                                        
  5. It doesn't occur in sheep which carry an initial infection (first exposure).                         
  6. It is an immediate type of hypersensitivity reaction and minimum period of 6-7 weeks is required between initial infection and challenge infection for initiating self cure.                                                                                                                                           
  7. In self cure phenomenon, there is a transient rise in blood histamine level, complement fixing antibody and intense mucosal edema.                                               
  8. This phenomenon is not species specific. A challenge infection of H.contortus may expel the adult worm of trichostrongyles.

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