Important Topics to Study

Following are the important topics one should try to be through with so as to score the maximum in less time. However it is important to remember to read up on other topics as well as soon as you finish these topics.
Basic Economic Indicators: (Statistical Data)
- National Income
- Production
- Price Index
- Foreign Trade
- Population 
Features of Indian Economy
- Division of Economic activities
- Unemployment - Types
- Poverty - HDR - Measures to eliminate poverty
- Population growth
- Population policy 2000
- Census - 2001
- Consumption Pattern - Energy Consumption - Sources of energy - various programmes 

National Income 
- Methods of National Income calculation
- Concepts of National Income 
- Importance
- Crops and seasons
- Agricultural Credit agencies. NABARD, RRB. Etc.,
- Kisan Credit Schemes
- Land Reforms
- Agricultural Insurance, NAIS, Seed Crop Insurance
- Green, Yellow, White, Blue revolutions
- Irrigation projects - Drip irrigation
- Development measures 
- Industrial Policies - 1948,1956,1991 - Initiatives taken
- Small Scale Industries
- Various key industries
- Various Committees and their recommendations
- Industrial sickness
- Dis investment - PSE Policy
- Industrial Finance 
Money and Banking 
- Aspects of money market
- Credit Control - Various Rates
- Commercial Banks, Co-operatives, NBFC.
- Committees and recommendations
- SEBI - Stock market developments
- Insurance Industry
- New Banking Sector reforms
- Inflation, Deflation
- Money supply measures 
Foreign Trade 
- Composition and direction
- Exim policy and other Acts
- Foreign Trade improvement measures taken
- BOP 


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