How to Write Answers for Economics Paper?

  • Make maximum use of graphs. Neatness and clarity are a must.
  • Precision matters, so use technical terms with absolute clarity and use them as much as you can. ALso do not add etc at the end of examples.
  • Get straight to the point
  • Avoid mathematical equations if you can use a graph.
  • Use deductive logic. Make sure you get the premises right and place arguments in such a way that the conclusion flows.
  • Choose questions in such a manner that your answers do not appear repetative. Avoid similar topics if you can and if you can' then the answers should have different content.
  • In paper 2 you have the luxury to present your own opinions. A precise, clinical dissection of the issue in hand and inferences drawn from the dissection aided by facts is what you need. Never take a radical stand on any issue unless you have strong data and facts behind you.
  • Use data wherever possible
  • Use examples liberally. Let them be current and exclusive if possible. Quote examples from your state or even your life to make your answer different.
  • Use a style that befits the question - You will have to decide then and there whether the question best lends itself to a paragraph format, point format or tabular format.

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