CEC and surface area of common soil minerals
MineralTypeCEC (surface charge cmolc/kg-1)Surface area (external m2/g-1)
SmectiteHigh activity clay-80 to -15080 to 150
VermiculiteHigh Activity clay-100 to -20070 to 120
Fine MicaHigh activity clay-10 to -4070 to 175
ChloriteHigh activity clay-10 to -4070 to 100
KaoliniteLow activity clay-1 to -155 to 30
GibbsiteAl-oxide+10* to -580 to 200
GoethiteFe-oxide+20 to -5100 to 300
AllophaneAmorphous+10 to -150100 to 1000
HumusOrganic-100 to -500Variable
* Positive sign indicates that the minerals no longer exhibit a cation exchange capacity, but rather an anion exchange capacity.
Adapted from Table 8.1, Brady and Weil (2002).


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