Different types of oesophagus:
1.Rhabditiform: They have a club shaped anterior portion connected by a narrow neck with a pear shaped posteror bulb. It is found in 1st stage larvae/pre parasitic larvae & non parasitic larvae/free living genera of rhabditida nematodes, e.g pre-infective stage of strongyles
2.Filariform:It is a simple oesophagus .It is also club shaped without posteror bulb. Found in the 2nd & later stage larvae & parasite genera of the bursate nematodes –Rhabditida
   e.g Adult strongyles
3.Bulb shaped oesophagus: with a large posterior swelling /bulb, e.g Ascaridoids
4.Double bulb shaped oesophagus :e.g Oxyuroids
5.Muscular glandular: The oesophagus which is muscular anteriorly and  posterior part being glandular, e.g, Spiruroids , Filarioids

6.Capillary form: Passing through a single column of cells, the whole being known as stichosome .e.g, Trichurioid


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