·         The adults are small and hair like usually less than 7.0 mm long and difficult to see with naked
·         The worms have no obvious buccal capsule
·         Distinct excretory notch in the oesophageal region
·         The spicules are thick, unbranched and in case of T.  axei are also un equal in length
·         Tail is bluntly tapered in female and there is no vulvar flap.
·         In T. axei, the eggs are arranged pole to pole longitudinally.
Life Cycle
  • Similar except exsheathment of the L3 of intestinal species occurs in the abomasums.
  • Under optimal condition, development from the egg to infective stage occurs in 1-2 weeks.
  • The parasitic phase is non migratory.
  • PPP
o   2-3 wks in ruminants.
o   In horse (T. axei) ppp is 25 days
o   in game birds (T. tenuis) it is 10days.


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