Pigments (Exogenous & Endogenous)
Substances that have innate color, render artificial staining, unnecessary for normal tissue and are found in different tissues are known as pigments.

1.      Exogenous (formed outside the body)
Ø  Carbon
Ø  Dusts
Ø  Metals
Ø  Tattoos
Ø  Kaolin
Ø  Carotenoids
1.      Endogenous (formed inside the body)
i)       Phenolic pigments
ii)    Hematogenous pigments
Ø  Hemoglobins
Ø  Hematins
Ø  Parasitic pigments
Ø  Hemosiderins
Ø  Bile pigments
Ø  Porphyrins (photosensitizing pigments)
iii)   Lipogenic pigments
Ø  Tissue lipofuscins
Ø  Ceroid
Ø  Vitamin-E deficiency pigments
iv)  Miscellaneous pigments
Ø  Ochronosis pigments
Ø  Dubin-Johnson pigment
Ø  Cloissone kidney


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