pathology photos এর চিত্র ফলাফল
1.      Environmental temperature
Rapid post-mortem changes occur in high environmental temperature as bacterial growth and multiplication increases with rise in temperature.
     2. Size of carcass:
Rapid post-mortem changes occur in larger carcass as the heat dissipation is delayed in larger body.
     3. External insulation:
Rapid post-mortem changes occur in carcass having feathers, wools, long hairs due to delayed heat dissipation.
    4. Nutritional status:
Emaciation slows putrefaction due to diminished moisture and fat contents within the body.
    5. Species variation:
The rate of post-mortem changes varies from species to species due to the variation of body size, external insulation, toughness of muscle etc.
The post-mortem changes are delayed in horse but rapid in pigs due to the variation in the toughness of the muscle.
   6. Body temperature:
Rapid changes occur in carcass with high body temperature during death.


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