Image result for political science imagesModern approaches:

After studying politics with the help of traditional approaches, the political thinkers of the later stage felt the necessity to study politics from a new perspective. Thus, to minimize the deficiencies of the traditional approaches, various new approaches have been advocated by the new political thinkers. These new approaches are regarded as the “modern approaches” to the study of Political Science. Modern approaches are fact based approaches. They lay emphasis on factual study of political events and try to arrive at scientific and definite conclusion. The aim of modern approaches is to replace normativism with empiricism. Therefore modern approaches are marked by empirical investigation of relevant data.

Characteristics of Modern Approaches:

  1. These approaches try to draw conclusion from empirical data.
  2. These approaches go beyond the study of political structures and its historical analysis.
  3. Modern Approaches believe in inter-disciplinary study.
  4. They emphasize scientific methods of study and attempt to draw scientific conclusions in Political Science.
Modern approaches include sociological approach, psychological approach, economic approach, quantitative approach, simulation approach, system approach, behavioural approach and Marxian approach (D. K. Sarmah, 2007).


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