feeding of goat এর চিত্র ফলাফলFEEDING SYSTEM OF GOAT

Feeding systems mainly depends on rearing system

1) Pasturing / Zero concentrate  feeding :
a) For range pasturing /  Grazing :
    - On fellow land.
    - On cultivated pasture.
    - On meadows/ forest areas.
    - On harvested fields.
b) Tethering :
    - Single pegged.
    - double pegged.

2) Stall feeding / Zero pasturing / Zero grazing :
    - Tree leaves only.
    - Tree leaves +Grass/ Fodder + Concentrates.
    - Concentrated rich feeding.
    - Straw feeding with concentrates.

3) Semi stall  feeding :
    - Stall feeding + Grazing/ Pasturing.


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