goat breeding এর চিত্র ফলাফলCLASSIFICATION OF HOUSING

A.   In relation to building materials :
1.  Pucca / Cemented house.
2.  Semi pucca / Semi cemented house.
3.  Mud /Muddy house.
4.  Thatched house – house with bamboo & leaves.

B.   In relation to dwelling place :
1.     In dwelling house.
2.     Attached house to the dwelling.
3.     Separate house within homestead.

C.   In relation to roof construction :
1.     Concrete roof.
2.     Tin roof.
3.     Thatched roof.
4.     Synthetic roof (plate roof / paper roof / polythene).

D.   In relation to bedding or floor system :
1.     Bedded floor.
2.     Slatted floor.
 goat breeding এর চিত্র ফলাফল
E.   In relation to age of animal :
1.     Common house – Kids, Yearling bucks,  withers, goatlings, Adult, Mixed.
2.     Penned house –Tether with kids ( Doe -  kids)
 goat breeding এর চিত্র ফলাফল
F.    Site selection :
1.     Traditional house – Traditional farming & Coral farming.       
2.     Stilled house – Traditional farming & Coral farming.
-The floor is raised to about 1-1.5 m above ground level to facilitate easy cleaning and collection of the dung and urine. Ventilation is good. This type of housing probably originated where there is high rainfall and danger of flooding.


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